Rewind and pause. There’s a new First Lady.

Just like that ‘one in a billion’ pack of footy cards, this test match has been overloaded with gilt-edged rarities and collector’s items adorned with the signature stamp of champions.

However, the glut of bullion has left me concerned that not all events will be adequately lavished with the plaudits they deserve.

The reason Pup declared early.

Amidst this haze of unease and confusion, events occurring off the field were also scrutinised. And a significant scenario requires recognition.

So ladies and gents, a warm round of applause is requested for the arrival of the new First Lady.

Kyly Boldy, welcome to the sporting scenery of Australia.

The heights this test match reached on the field has had the major players at Cricket Australia and the SCG Trust gleefully lighting their lunchtime smokes with legal tender. The unforgettable moments and opportunities to create floggable memorabilia have been piling up.

But the real winners are the blokes who do the hard yards traversing the recently bouncy track our XI has been leading us on. The dark days of grisly results, the heady emotion of victory, and the ogling of WAGs.

Remember the unsightly time when Junior Waugh would brave the public eye with someone who wouldn’t look out of place on an APIA advert?

Kyly is the fresh face driving the slow erosion of the memories of this tough phase.

Many a tear of pride and joy has been shed by the quintessential Aussie dude over the course of the last 2 days as Michael Clarke picked off milestones like a hick in a shooting gallery.

Is this our much maligned skipper finally conquering the doubts of the male section of the supporter group?

It's got me buggered how he could concentrate for so long.

Nope. It’s because with every passing accomplishment, the fine image of his elegant lady friend supporting her run-hungry fella was being broadcast right across the nation.

A record number of ‘rewind’ and ‘pause’ buttons on IQ units became decrepit in the Australian first innings as chaps in green and gold united to perve and admire as one.

We’ve seen Kyly in “Temptation Island Australia” and now in the super-classy Jim Beam advertising campaign. Let us pray that she is comfortable with having a camera following her regularly, because the word on the street is that 30 seconds per serve is not adequate for the public. She’s the new “It” girl.

We salute you Mrs Pup, and sincerely welcome you as Bingle’s interchange.